Should Hollywood Ban Steroids?

In the dog days of this past August, when many Americans were on vacation and few were going to the movies, The Hollywood Reporter quietly published an article about the use of steroids in Hollywood. Apparently, those ripped physiques you’ve been seeing at multiplexes this summer are not the work of nature alone. The article…

Why Ashley Judd Shouldn’t Run

So she will? Or won’t she? Last week, I outlined why an Ashley Judd for Senate campaign makes sense. In summary, she has great name recognition; her celebrity assigns her the aura of leadership; it is a great time for female candidates seeking higher office; and her friends in Hollywood will help her raise a…

Why Ashley Judd Should Run

Will she or won’t she? That’s the question on the minds of politicos in Kentucky and all across the nation. Will Ashley Judd challenge Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for reelection in 2014? So far, the scales have tipped both ways. Earlier this year, it seemed a certainty that Judd would run. Rumors were floated,…

“The Last Stand” is a Tea Party Blockbuster

An early scene in The Last Stand finds three of its characters firing a giant handgun at a huge slab of beef. It’s an apt snapshot of a movie that fetishizes the use of firearms and places little value on human life. At this time when pundits and policymakers are considering the impact of movie…

Reel Change in The Atlantic

This morning The Atlantic published an article of mine as part of their online content. The subject is one of grave importance to every concerned citizen of this nation: the potential political careers of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. I had a great time analyzing their political statements and, more importantly, the subtextual political elements…

Is Matt Damon the Ticket for Democrats in 2016?

For a society that places so much emphasis on celebrity, it is kind of surprising that in the century or so that movies have been our most popular art form, we have only elected a handful of movie stars to public office. I suspect the reason for this is one that only raises more questions:…