What You Missed in the Summer of ’15

Dear Readers, Remember me? No worries if you don’t. It has been a slow summer of criticism for me, and for a variety of reasons. First and foremost is that, as I get older, I have less and less patience for the slew of commercial crapola that Hollywood spews out during the warmer months, and so I’ve…

Congress Needs to Stop Talking about “House of Cards”

Some news from The Hill yeseterday on the popularity of House of Cards among a certain demographic: “The popular Netflix series about a villainous congressman-turned-vice president shows a decidedly dark side to Washington, but that hasn’t kept political figure from watching it, or from using it to promote themselves. Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday…

For Sale: Hollywood’s Seat in Congress

House Democrats are exiting stage left. Yes, Beltway pundits have noticed that an inordinately high number of veteran House Democrats have opted to retire this year instead of face another Congress under Republican control. The latest – and perhaps the most telling – is Rep. Henry Waxman, a 40-year veteran of the U.S. House of…

New Regulation for Movie Theaters Raises Questions

Here’s a small but thought-provoking news bite from last weekend. The Obama administration will soon be issuing a proposal to require most movie theaters to offer technology for the blind and deaf in all their theaters. This technology already exists, and most multiplexes offer it in at least one theater, but it’s not offered in…

5 Takeaways from the CDC Report on Violence in the Media

Does anyone remember gun violence? Back in January, just one month after the Sandy Hook shooting, Obama announced that he was taking 23 executive actions intended to reduce gun violence in America. I have a sneaking suspicion that if I asked you to name one, you couldn’t. It’s not your fault; the media covered it…

The Scary, Silly Hypocrisy of “White House Down”

If future historians are ever looking for evidence of the political schizophrenia and tribalism that engulfed American in the post-9/11 era, they could do much worse than White House Down, a film that presents itself as an argument for peace and reason but is built on a foundation of cartoonish, consequence-free movie violence and a…